What a weekend! The soil was delivered Saturday morning, in the beds and completely moved (from the
front yard!!!) by Sunday. Go Team Banks. And thank goodness it's SPRING BREAK- I need one after that workout!

Though Monday was a bit of a wash out, we managed to get a few of last year's sprouting hyacinth and daffodil bulbs in the ground- in between the rain showers. We'll see if they do anything else this year. The salad table was full of sprouting arugula Friday and, as of today, there are signs of wee spinach

and lettuce. The seeds we've started indoors have really taken off! Even the peppers, the last of the seeds we started on 3/25, finally started sprouting.
Unfortunately, Mr. Banks' marigolds may have a few casualties- seems they dried out a bit in the egg cartons they were started in. We still have vegetable seeds to directly sow: cucumber (national pickling & marketmore 76), zucchini (black beauty), yellow squash (early prolific straightneck), and carrots (danvers #126) as well as nasturtium (jewel) & perennials to start: Shasta daisy (alaska), coreopsis (early sunrise), black eyed susans, purple coneflower, hollyhock (country romance mix). Regardless, it seems I'm continuing to add to the seed inventory. We took our first trip to Meyer Seed Co. in Fell's, or "Harbor East", if you will- and accumulated even more: catnip (to stave off the flea beetle, of course), moonflowers, radish (sparkler) and peppermint. And now the Johnny's Seed Catalog has arrived! Help.
Amidst the flurries today (!?), Mr. Banks' continued the garden construction. I have to give him credit- how adorable is that fence, with the little gate?! He even caught the attention of a neighbor who came back to marvel at his handy work.

We continue to expand the garden plans, "How about a berry patch over here?" or "What about some sunflowers and scarlet runner beans on this side of the fence?". Before you know it, we'll be able to retire the lawnmower for good. The view from the kitchen window is definitely improving little by little each day!
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